How Can You Tell if a Number Is Divisible by 4

There are many shortcuts or tricks that permit you to test whether a number, or dividend, is divisible by a given divisor. This page focuses on the nearly-frequently studied divisibility rules which involve divisibility by 2, iii, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and past 11

What is the divisibility by 2 Dominion?


Almost everyone is familiar with this rule, which states that any fifty-fifty number tin can be divided past 2.

Even numbers are multiples of two. A number is fifty-fifty if information technology ends in 0, ii, four, vi, or eight.

Examples of numbers that are even and therefore laissez passer this divisibility test.

Number Explanation
ane2 Since the concluding digit is a 2, the entire number, 12, is an even numberand therefore divisible by 2.
318 Since the last digit is an 8, this is an an even number and therefore divisible by 2.
-310 Since the concluding digit is 0, this is an an even number and therefore divisible past 2.
-32,814 Since the last digit is a 4, this is an fifty-fifty number and therefore divisible by 2.

Check if any number is divisible by two. Type in any number that you want, and the calculator will apply the rule for divisibility by 2 to explain the upshot.

See what the rule for divisibility by two has to say about the following number:

Examples of numbers that are do not pass this divisibility test because they are non fifty-fifty.

Number Explanation
iii 3 is non an even number.
103 Not an even number.
157 Not an even number.
221 Not an even number.

What is the divisibility by 3 dominion?


Rule: A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible past iii.

rule for divisibility by 3

375, for instance, is divisible by 3 since sum of its digits (3+7+v) is 15. And 15 is divisible by 3.

Number Explanation
12 $$ 1 + 2 = 3$$ and three is divisible past 3.
36 $$ iii + 6 = 9 $$ and 9 is divisible by three.
102 $$1 + 0 + 2 = 3$$ and 3 is divisible by 3.
100,002,000 $$ 100,002,000 = 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 = three$$ and 3 is divisible by 3.
36 $$ 3 + 6 = 9 $$ and 9 is divisible by 3.

Check if the following number: is evenly divisible past iii.

Examples of numbers that practise not pass this test:
Number Caption
xiv 1 + 4 = 5 and since 5 is not divisible by 3, so xiv is also not.
124 $$1 + two + iv = seven$$ which is no good, since seven is non evenly divisible by 3.
100,002,001 $$1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + ii + 0 + 0 + 1 = 4$$ so this very large also does non pass this divisibility test.

What is the divisibility by iv rule?


Rule: A number is divisible past four if the number's terminal two digits are divisible by 4.

rule for divisibility by 4

9,312, for instance, is divisible by 4 since its final 2 digits are 12. And 12 is divisible by iv.

Examples of numbers that are divisible by iv:

Number Caption
one12 Since the last two digits, 12, are divisible past 4, the number 112 is also divisible by 4.
10,948 The last two digits, 48, are divisible by 4. Therefore, the whole number is also.
100,002,088 Yep, this satisfies dominion because 88 is divisible by four!
-12,036 36 and 36 is evenly divided by 4, so -12,036 passes the test!

See if the following is evenly divisible by four.

Examples of numbers that are practise not laissez passer this divisibility test.

Number Explanation
113 Since the last two digits, 13, are not divisible by 4, the whole number does non pass this divisibility exam.
x,941 The terminal 2 digits, 41, are not de visible by 4. Therefore, the whole number does not satisfy the rule for 4.
100,002,0xiv Those final two digits, 14, practice not work.
-1,011 11 is non divisible past 4, and so one,011 fails this test.

Ever wonder why these rules work. The examination for 4 makes sense if you just intermission down the numbers. Retrieve about what this dominion says: "All that matters is whether or not the last two digits are divisible by iv." Allow's await at why this rule is truthful.

Examine some iii digit numbers
  • 124 is the aforementioned as 100 + 24, and we know that 100 is divisible by four so all that matters here is whether or not 24, or the concluding two digits, are divisible by 4. The same could be said for any three digit number 224 = 200 + 24, and nosotros know that 200 is divisible past iv so again all that we're worried almost are these terminal ii digits.
    • Any multiple of 100 is divisible by four! Whether yous're talking about 300, 700, one thousand, 1100, 123,000 -- All of these multiples of 100 are divisible by 4, which means that all that we e'er have to worry nigh is the last 2 digits!

What is the divisibility by five rule?


Rule: A number is divisible by v if its concluding digit is a 0 or 5.

See what the rule for divisibility by five has to say about the following number:

Examples of numbers that are divisible by 5 and satisfy this rule

Number Explanation
ten Since the last digit is 0, this number is divisible past 5.
xv Since the final digit is five, this number is divisible by five.
-45 Since the last digit is 5, this number is divisible by 5.

Examples of numbers that are not divisible by 5.

Number Explanation
one1 To be divisible past 5, the concluding digit must exist 0 or five. And then eleven fails this test.
-19 To be divisible by v, the concluding digit must be 0 or 5. And then -19 fails this exam.

What is the divisibility by 6 rule?


Since 6 is a multiple of 2 and 3, the rules for divisibility past 6 are a combination of the dominion for two and the rule for three.

In other words, a number passes this divisibility examination just if it passes the testfor 2 and the for 3.

Rule: A number is divisible by half-dozen if it is even and if the sum of its digits is divisible by three.

divisible by 6 example

Examples of numbers that are divisible past six.

Number Caption
  • 1) 114 is even.
  • 2) the sum of its digits (1 + 1 + iv = 6) is divisible past 3.
Therefore, 114 is divisible by two and past 3, yes , 114 is divisible by 6.
  • 1) 241,122 is fifty-fifty.
  • 2) the sum of its digits ($$2 + four + i + 1 + 2 + two = 12$$) is divisible by iii.
Therefore, 241,122 is divisible past 2 and by 3 ..and so, aye, 241,122 is divisible by 6.

See if the following number: is evenly divisible by six.

Examples of numbers that are do non pass this divisibility test.

divisible by 6 example
Number Explanation
  • i) 207 is not fifty-fifty.
  • 2) the sum of its digits ($$2 + 0 + 7 = ix$$) is divisible by 3.
And so, no, 204 is not divisible by vi.
  • one) 241,124 is fifty-fifty .
  • 2) the sum of its digits ($$ii + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 14$$) is non divisible by iii.
So, no, 204 is not divisible by 6.

Divisibility by 8 Rule

Rule A number passes the examination for 8 if the last iii digits form a number is divisible 8.

divisibility by 8 rule

Examples of numbers that satisfy this dominion and are divisible past eight.

Number Explanation
9,640 The terminal 3 digits, 640, are divisible by 8. Therefore, ix,640 is divisible eight equally well!
-77,184 The final three digits , 184, are divisible by eight. Therefore, -77,184 is divisible 8 likewise!
20,233,322,496 The last iii digits, 496, are divisible by 8. Therefore , 20,233,322,496 is divisible 8 equally well!

Run into what the rule for divisibility by eight has to say nearly the following number:

Examples of numbers that are do non laissez passer this divisibility exam.

Number Explanation
9,801 Since concluding three digits are not divisible past 8, the entire number 9,801 is not.
-32,344,588 Since last 3 digits are not divisible by 8, the unabridged number -32,344,588 is not.

Divisibility past 9 Rule

Rule A number is divisible by ix if the sum of the digits are evenly divisible by 9.

rule for divisibility by 9

Examples of numbers that satisfy this dominion and are divisible by nine.

Number Explanation
4,518 $$ 4 + 5 + i + viii = 18$$ which is divisible past 9, and then iv,518 is divisible by 9.
-vi,993 $$ vi + nine + nine + 3 = 27 $$ which is divisible by 9 so, the entire number is divisible past 9.

See if the following number: is evenly divisible by nine.

Examples of numbers that are do not pass this divisibility test.

Number Explanation
6,992 $$ 6 + 9 + 9 + ii = 26 $$ which is not divisible by 9 then, the unabridged number is not divisible by 9.
4,517 $$ iv + 5 + 1 + seven = 17$$ which is not divisible by ix so, the entire number is not divisible by ix.

Divisibility by 10 Dominion

Rule A number passes the examination for 10 if its last digit is 0

Use the divisibility calculator below to determine if whatever number is divisible by ten. Blazon in whatever number that yous want, and the calculator will utilise the dominion for divisibility by ten to explain the issue.

Examples of numbers that are divisible by 10.

Number Explanation
xix0 Last digit is 0, that's all that is needed for a number to exist divisible past 10.
-231,110 Last digit is 0, that'south all that is needed for a number to be divisible by 10.

See what the rule for divisibility past ten has to say about the post-obit number:

Examples of numbers that do non pass this divisibility test

Number Explanation
31,xxfive Since the last digit is not 0, this number is not divisible by 10.
-100,002 Since the last digit is not 0, this number is not divisible by ten.

Divisibility by 11 Rule

Dominion A number passes the test for xi if the difference of the sums of alternating digits is divisible by 11.(This abstract and confusing sounding rule is much clearer with a few examples).

rule for divisibility by 11

Utilize the divisibility calculator below to make up one's mind if whatever number is divisible by 11. Type in any number that you want, and the calculator will explain whether or not information technology's divisible by 11 based on this rule.

Run across if the following number: is evenly divisible by 11.

Examples of numbers that satisfy this rule.

Number Explanation
1one9,777,6five8 $$ (1+ nine + vii + half dozen + 8) - (1+ 7 + 7 + 5) = 31 - 20 = 11 $$ and since xi is evenly divisible past 11, the unabridged number is also
ten,813 $$ (1 + 8 + 3) - (0+1) = 12-1 = 11 $$
25,784 $$ (2 + seven + 4) - (v + eight) = thirteen - 13 = 0 $$ Yeah, this does indeed work. In case y'all found this one, a fleck disruptive, remember that whatsoever number evenly divides 0. Recall most it, how many 11's are there in 0? None, right. Well that means that 11 divides zero, null times!

Examples of numbers that do not laissez passer this divisibility examination.

Number Caption
x,823 $$ (ane+8+3) - (0+2) = 12- ii =10 $$. No, no practiced. This one fails
35,784 $$ (iii + 7 + 4) - (5+8) = fourteen - 13 = one $$
12,347, 496, 132 $$ (1 + 3 + 7 + 9 + iii) - (two + 4 + 4 + 6 + 3) = 23 - nineteen = 4$$

A discussion of caution about Calculators and Big Numbers

Proceed this in mind when you are using a calculator. Calculators lose their accuracy when they start dividing large numbers such every bit 12,347,496,132. Try to divide that big number past eleven. If your calculator outputs that 12,347,496,132 is divisible by eleven, your calculator IS WRONG (Look at the last example at the lesser for details). When yous're dealing with exceedingly large numbers, you should rely, whenever possible, on the rules on this page rather than a computer that can only handle numbers upwardly to a certain size..

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